
July 24, 2014 Notes

  • Bio discussion. Keep it personal. Stories about various practices such as hypnotherapy could become blogs.
  • Holistic: taking the whole person and tailoring the approach to meet that person's needs
  • Review web pages
    • Services and other pages: be sure to add Paula's name to banner
    • Update hypnosis page: final copy not there
  • Marketing and PR
    • Connect with HR people.
  • Metrics and analytics
    • Google analytics will be able to tell you how much time a person spends on your site; what pages they viewed and how they got to that page, ages and demographics of viewers. All of these details will help focus your marketing and sales.
  • Get book back on Amazon
  • What are plugins? Do I need them? Lots of plugins but some that come to mind enable video and voice
  • JCC Laura Mendelson Mary's nutrition/diet coach.

May 27, 2014

Water spilled on Paula's Macbook Air

May 27, 2014

Blog concept

April 11 Meeting

Removing facebook pages:

April 3, 2014 Notes Paula and Mary

Web page review for look and feel and content

Overall: Change background and tab colors to something that is softer
Hypnotherapy tab: Write more about misconceptions about hypnotherapy
Blog: Write a blog about a recent case study: Patient L : the amazing power of hypnosis. When core beliefs are identified, then and only then was L able to being changing destructive behavior.
Book tab: Get book back on Amazon and obtain the link details that Diane can insert in the web page so that a customer can click right through to Amazon and purchase the book.
Clients tab: Get more recent testimonials…from the Diabetes conference, from this week's workshop, etc.
Photo of Paula: Get a new photo
Bio tab: Add more bio details on Unleash Your Creativity, Permanent Weight Loss, and work with diabetic women.

Unleash Your Creativity

  • Typical clients: musicians, writers, artists, photographers, painters
  • Messages: overcome creative blocks, reach your full potential

Expanding possibilities: Working with musicians: hypnosis for stage anxiety/performance.

  1. Can we figure out who owns this page? Maybe Paula can actually sign into it…..if you can, Paula, it would be really easy to (1) copy content (2) remove page. If not, then…
  2. Copy all content from orphan page, then
  3. Remove Essential Life Strategies orphan page: (contact Facebook)
  4. Build Essential Life Strategies business page from Paula's personal page (currently a "stub" which has not been removed). Diane is suggesting we ask facebook to remove this page and start over. That would work for me, because if we started over I would then see the ADMIN panel on the business page (when logged into Paula's personal page). At this point I don't see the Admin panel so have no clue how to edit.
  5. Get admin role sorted out: be sure Paula, Diane, and Mary have admin permissions on the Essential Life Strategies facebook page. Be sure to get the right name for the page: Essential-Life-Strategies for example.

Related links

Blog topics
Free Getty images (background)
Embedded images from Getty:
Jill: If an image on our site has the “Embed” icons next to it , then you can use the Embed feature to publish the image to your website or social media page for editorial use only without having to buy a license. All other usages of the images require the purchase of a license.
Mary Lautner: Perfect! Thank you!!!

March 13, 2014

How to post flyers on linked in:

Agenda for meeting

  • Blog - post links on (1) website (2) business cards (3) flyer (4) email communication (5) LinkedIN (6) Facebook
  • Eventbrite
  • Website - flyer
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn: post flyer on bio page

This is a large list and we'll prioritize of course

Pro meeting notes

I definitely like the Elegant last website for design.. It would be wonderful for art website.

However, I think the 1st warm/fuzzy therapist with many images and simplifying a complex subject is

2nd one is too abrupt for me.

Your reactions I would love to know as well,

For our work on Thurs. -

Let's review places to advertise
Blog and
website design and anything else you think I am missing.

I am sending you some web sites I like. Best, Mary

Warm, inviting:

Direct and to the point


Strikingly different (urgent care providers)

Just some ideas!!!

February 27, 2014

February 4, 2014

Case study:

Audience demographics


  • People are living longer. The first stressor is making sure there is enough money for retirement. The second one is: what do I do with all this time?


  • Interview retired people: are they living the way they wanted? How did they get there? If not, why not? (what beliefs, etc.) Issue of limiting beliefs
  • Focus group
    • Objective of group: learn about viability of this business (running workshops covering retirement planning)
    • Questions (draft)
      • What would you like to see in retirement planning?
      • What do you fear about retirement?
      • What do you think you want? What do you want?
      • Where would you go to get it? (Other experts, workshops, conferences, friends, family, etc.)
      • How would you envision your retirement
      • What models do you see of retired people? What do you like? What don't you like?
    • Logistics
      • Date
      • Time
      • Location
      • Invitation copy
      • Structure of session
  • Survey
    • Rate importance of these topics (draft list)
      • Prevention
      • Health
      • Maintenance
      • Finances
      • Social
      • Creativity
      • etc.


  • Connection with financial planners
  • Connection with groups

More messaging

  • Using the balance wheel
  • Paula's unique proposition: a wholistic approach covering health, lifestyle, prevention, health maintenance

Workshop (1/2 day): Emotional Eating Paula will write up

January 30, 2014

Workshop working plan

  1. Diabetic work?
  2. Paula wants to focus on art.
  3. Retirement workshop. Need to educate on what this is.
    1. Bring in Paula's broad skills.
    2. Lifestyle
    3. Hypnosis work
  4. Weight loss

Retirement workshops

See worksheets (photos of)

Paula contact person who liked her press.

Janaury 21, 2014

Exploring focus

Essential Life Strategies - embracing, celebrating….
  • Baby boomers audience
  • Ramping up Amazon
  • Online webinars
  • Retirement workshop series (4 - 6 sessions)… Covering different topics
  • In person groups (like the idea of having groups vs growing therapy business)
  • Workshops
  • Selling paintings
  • Unleash your creativity: Leisure and creativity class Paula could do at Pacific Art League


Action items

Mary: what are the webinars, seminars, etc available for online classes and teaching?
Paula: gather workshop descriptions

October 22, 2013

Focus social media
Target audience. - best way to identify
Past clients

October 22, 2013 Meeting Notes

Would like to do groups on these topics

  • Weight (and connection to stress)
  • Stress (and connection to overeating)
  • Retirement

For each of these, what is the unique value proposition? In other words, what sets Paula's work apart
We did discuss your deep experience with these subjects and the positive outcomes your clients have. In those stories there are details that could be pulled to define your value proposition (your unique selling point)


How do you reach your audiences ("platforms" in the social media template)

  • Mailing lists
    • Client list
    • Email list
    • Corporate list
  • Linked in (over 300 professional contacts)


Schedule two for January. They could be staged: start with weight issues. Then those who want to go further in hypnosis could take a hypnosis class.
(and now that I think of it, you mentioned you wanted to keep the info on the Diabetes Sisters talk on your web site somewhere. It occurred to me that over the years you have done quite a few workshops. Why not post the descriptions of those workshops on your website to enable potential customers to ask for certain workshops).

Action items


  • Set up workshop schedule
  • Put schedule on web page
  • Get started on blogging


  • Learn about Linked in ads: cost, distribution, etc.
  • Prepare for a discussion on keywords

Quick review*Version*=1&*entries*=0

August 27, 2013

Hi Paula,

Here is a summary of the items we discussed yesterday. Good luck and have fun getting ready for this very interesting conference! - Mary

Action Items
Review relaxation recording you have:
decide if it's good enough to put on a CD. You can print a CD with a graphic on it. It will cost probably at least $2 a CD.
OR decide to sell it off your web site (MP3 download) (or offer for free)
OR decide not to use it at all
Make a 10 minute recording. Mary will put into garageband and add music. This will be a test to see if between your recorder and my Mac we can create MP3 that's good enough quality for what you want.
Mary create template Powerpoint slides with your contact information on every page. You can decide to use it or not.

Traffic to your web site
There are a number of tactics to encourage people to look at your web site. Putting keywords in your web site content is one. If we could review the Google Analytics, we could develop a list of tactics you could use to increase traffic. That sounds like an October project. Note: you put the stress test form on your web site about three weeks ago (about Aug 6). We can note this date as we review Google Analytics.

Conference Giveaways at your table
You can mention these giveaways during your talk and put them on your slides. For example:
- Business cards with your contact info
- Bookmark on book
- Relaxation CD
- from your slides, list of coping tools

Presentation to conference attendees (one hour)
As we discussed, you really do not need many slides.

Topics you want to cover (which you will be organizing into a flow)
- Tee Hee exercise
- Key points you made in your article on coping
- 5 steps in succeed in life and work
- you approach your work from a wholistic perspective: mind, body, spirit
- focus on things that are most helpful, for example,
- hypnotherapy
- speciality breathing
- etc.
- list of copying tools
- Info on what happens when you are under stress
- what reducing stress can do; for example,
reduce anxiety
- Case examples of people who have reduced their stress
- Women's notes from book (not sure I recall what that is)
- Small group work
- Short (ten minutes) light trance state exercise

Very few. Some of them might be:
1. Cover slide with name of talk, your name, date
2. Overview
3. Background; for example, an image of health and not health
4. List of coping tools (could be a takeaway you have at your table)
5. Call to Action ("To Learn more…") capture actions your audience can take to further reduce their stress or further engage with you. For example, "Check out our table, Visit web site…"

Day of conference
For the conference you should have:
Business cards
Book Marks
Slides in PowerPoint and PDF on a thumb drive so that you can bring them up on the computer at the front of the room (there should be one at the presenter's podium)
CDs if you want
Handouts if you want, such as list of coping tools (from your slides)

June 7, 2013

How to watermark photos: and

Action Items from June 6, 2013 meeting

I enjoyed our far ranging discussions today. But I won't be offended if you do want to keep our discussion focussed on one topic that's important to you!

I am excited about the personal side…maybe exploring some art. Thank you for the resources. And thank you for the cool idea of photographing your art; that could be fun to do.

Here are your Action Items!

  1. June 6 - June 21 (for the next two weeks) focus on:
    1. Getting a place in Chicago for daughter's wedding
    2. The Diabetes book work



  1. Put a new photograph on banner…Grand Canyon
  2. Mary explore what the widgets are
  3. Get links to web site, blog, etc. (maybe they are in a widget?) Mary will figure out where they go

Diabetes Conference October 4

  • Have CDs ready to sell covering
    • Stress
    • Anxiety
    • Depression (?)


  • Distribution
    • Sell on web site through Paypal
    • Consider distributing CDs using Seattle Contact's services (
    • Look at hypnosis aps on iPhone and iPad (maybe consider doing one at some time?)


  • Free music on Garageband; could use for leaders, or possibly overlaid on certain tapes

June 6, 2013

Audio recordings


With just a few clicks, you can post podcasts wherever you like: to iTunes or to your institution’s server, wiki, or blog. Qualified institutions can also post directly to iTunes U. You can even have your podcasts automatically archived for future reference.

Or iTunes course manager: Record right off web

Garage Band and iweb from Apple
Creating a podcast:

May 13, 2013 Discussion

Next Steps (start one step at a time)

  • Get a new computer, sign up for Apple's $99 1-1 sessions, have Apple help her move everything from her old computer to her new computer.
  • Develop audio sessions
  • Get audio on website: would like to set it up so it can be sold
  • Get on WordPress blog
    • Start writing articles; about 300 words or about a page or less
    • Can write several and save them. Can decide to post later. Can set up a schedule for the blogs to post.
    • Can keep drafts
    • Remember to put in a Call To Action (CTA) (such as inviting reader to take stress test on Paula's website)
  • Get pictures on facebook. Choose 5 or 10. If you change the page every two weeks, your followers will get a notice. So that might make them want to see what you are doing.
    • Post details on tapes/CDs on your facebook page

Discussion Notes

BELIEFS is your central theme

  • Wants to sell products
  • Jukebox of choices
    • MP3 or CDs
    • Book
  • Audio choices
    • Stop smoking
    • Diabetes
    • Test Anxiety
    • Public Speaking
  • Online classes
  • Webinars


From: "Diane Allen" <moc.gnitupmocsimetra|enaid#moc.gnitupmocsimetra|enaid>
Date: May 16, 2013 11:16:46 AM PDT
To: "Paula Leslie" <ten.knilhtrae|555aluap#ten.knilhtrae|555aluap>
Subject: Re: wordpress
Reply-To: moc.gnitupmocsimetra|enaid#moc.gnitupmocsimetra|enaid

Hi Paula,

Whether or not money is tight, a lot of people are like you and want to do
as much as they can themselves, especially when it comes to keeping up
with marketing via social media and blogging.

Either way, you maintain the blog (unless you ask for help :)) — you make
the posts, etc.

I don't want to go into too deep of an analysis here as there are many
many pros and cons for both methods

An advantage of using is that it can be completely
free — you'll have some limits on configuration but I don't think that
will matter. Also, since you'll be setting it up yourself, as you go
through the options for themes, maybe you'll see some colors or a look
that you like (or like part of) which can be customized for your site
later to update the look on your site… which needs it… and it's
excellent to have links from external sources to your main site (and this
would be that).

Ditto for Blogger, which is also free — and some people find a lot easier
to use than WordPress… and it achieves the same result…

Taking the long view… if you're only going to have one blog ever, I'd
vote for it being inside your site… but if you are going to have a
couple blogs (which I think is the right strategy for your type of
business if you can find a workflow that permits keeping them up), then
you want to have your main blog on your site, but have the others under
other related names on the free services like or
and/or register additional domain names and pay for hosting.

With the free accounts, you'll pick a name but blogspot or wordpress will
still be part of that name… for example, this is my play/personal blog
for a specific activity:

For you, the first question is what are you going to blog about? If
initially you want to talk about topics relating to the seminar in
October, maybe you want to pick a related name.

Looks like "lifestrategies" and "life-strategies" are already taken for
blogspot… which is too bad… especially since both of those blogs are
really lame

Do you have a partner named Lance? "Paula Leslie" is already taken too
for blogspot… too bad… unless that is you.. there are no entries
although it looks like it was started in 2004.

I also see a … so if that is not you, that is
already taken… hopefully that is you and that is what you meant by
having wordpress

The right thing to do really depends on what your long term marketing plan

Does this help? I hope today is a great healing day for you,



June July August September October November December January February March April May
* Chicago Blog, More audio tapes, Review and assess, Start thinking about fall workshops Sedona Fall workshop planning, More audio work,More articles for blog cell-content cell-content cell-content cell-content cell-content cell-content cell-content
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How do you get people

What Paula did before: noticing items in the news that could cause stress, Paula connected to the need and would make a cold call to someone affected and offer her services, offer to do a workshop. Paula also did radio talk shows, brochures, mailings, press releases (press releases connect to timeliness). Paula also worked with a meeting planner. Networking and getting referrals (takes time)
What Paula wants to do now: sell products and use social media to gain followers rather than the arduous cold calling work.

Who is your audience?

It has been professional women, those going through a career transition, change, mid level managers in hospitality

Outcomes of previous workshops

  • Team building
  • Sorting out priorities
  • Staying Sane During Turbulent Times

Paula has also been identified as an Expert and has been called by the media to comment on a news item relating to a stressful situation.

April 15, 2013 work

April 8 Action Items

Hi Paula,

Here are the Action Items I collected from our meeting today! :-)

  1. When I search on therapy Palo Alto Paula's business is not listed on the first page:
  2. Send Paula details on how to view source. 4/15/13 done.
  3. Send Paula links to sites that list workshops offerings. These are pages of people who are offering free or paid workshops. People who want to get a workshop on a specific topic can search on one of these pages.
  4. Provide more information on tags: where are they used, why are they effective See this document:
  5. How can Paula find out what web sites link to her web site. When we looked at we saw there were 14 links from other websites to her website. Who are they?
  6. Look at keywords and determine how popular/valuable they might be for Paula. For example, start with "taking charge," "weight loss," "success," "health," "passion"
  7. Paula will send me 10 keywords. Look at google ad words and learn about their effectiveness.
  8. Consider strategies for getting workshops in industry. Since Mary can access the VMware internal site, use that as an example of workshop offerings available to VMware employees.
  9. Figure out how to get the recording to Paula!! ;-)

April 8 Meeting Prep

  1. Review all email to be sure I have captured all AIs and ideas
  2. Plan to discuss Paula's focus: workshops? therapy? book?
  3. Plan to talk about
    1. Keywords
    2. Google Ad words
    3. facebook promote

Future tactics for

  • Add widgets to facebook page. Add your book to facebook as a widget. Many of the widgets are third party things. Search google to find out how to do that stuff.
  • Create vanity URL for business page (to remove numbers) -
  • Consider paying for promotions on facebook (need tutorial)
  • Add more keywords to site. View how various searches does or does not display your site on first page.
  • Get links to your page from another page.
    • One way: get listed in a business listings page like therapists in an area..
  • Examine content and determine the focus of the content. Then compare to ranking..
  • Look at google trends. You can see articles about topics. I looked at hypnotherapy weight loss and did not find any articles. But I could find articles on depression.
  • Do more searching to see what comes up with keywords
  • Do more competitive web site searching
  • Limited ad word for weight loss. Could target.
  • Link Popularity: examine a competitive site and determine where they are being linked from. Those sites might be useful sites for you to get links to:
  • And Also for Diane's page: Create a campaign that poses an interesting question to a group of influential bloggers in your industry who can respond via their own blog post.
  • Create leads by offering something. Also good for Eagle Awards: offer to send out some cool thing in exchange for a lead. For Eagle, really need a method to qualify leads
  • Metrics for facebook (lots to look at):

Page ranking

Key words

What Paula has right now:

<meta name="keywords" content="Essential Life Strategies, Paula Leslie, organizational consultant, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, Women Taking Charge, succeed in life, women's topics, stress, anger management, succeed in work, success, turbulent times, weight loss, life strategy, workplace violence">

Analyze search terms

++Competitors (Also note she placed an ad) - great web site. Lots of pages, lots of copy on the first page for easy search. - sounds like a group. Paula is unique. But lots of good descriptions of stress. I think one could do better because the numbers they cite are lower than I would have thought. And stress in companies is much more pervasive than how they are characterizing it.

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